I've painted five different uniform variations of one stand each, prior to finishing the units fully, in order to see which schemes I like. There are divergent hats, waistcoats, trousers, facings etc. in most, and certain deliberate aberrations of reality. Above are (left to right); 1st New Hampshire (in a very uniform set-up), and a unit that could be one of a number of Continental regiments, in this case I'll plump for the 2nd New York.
Another fairly generic and uniform unit, let's say the 4th Virginia.
One of the Massachusetts regiments.
Patriot Militia battle-line. Steady and straight now, but for how long..?
A close-up of the same.
Continental Artillery, in the form of a 5.5" howitzer.Some riflemen. Could be rangers, Over the Mountain men, or Philadelphia Associators or even plain old Patriot Militia Riflemen.
Continental firing line in hunting shirts. Could be any one of a number of units, but I like to think of them as either being from Delaware of Maryland.
Next time; the British are coming... redcoats sighted!